Wounds, angels and band-aids

Unknown   It is really amazing that in almost six months, we have mostly gotten through injury-free. And when I say “we,” I mostly mean Jay.

However I am the one known for tripping, falling and generally being the klutz around the place. (We will not do this statement in pictures.)

That said. I. too, have had more “almosts” that actuals when it comes to injury. I have visions of knocking my front teeth out (again), and worse, falling forward at the head of the stairs from the upstairs coming down, where the inspector pointed out we have a window without safety glass, where “someone” could fall headlong through and be cut. I really do not want to hover over that imagery.

Jay has had some serious incidents: falling off the ladder, heavy drill in hand, where he wrenched his shoulder pretty badly; almost cutting off a finger with a chisel; and lately, driving a screwdriver though his thumb.    IMG_1429

IMG_1427   We are not mentioning many cuts, bruises, and bumps on the head.

Luckily, most of these have been remedies by antibiotic cream and band-aids. No stitches yet.

I don’t believe in jinxes. I believe in God. And I don’t think it is too early to thank Him and our angels for protecting us from near tragedies and serious, permanent injuries.

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